
目前顯示的是 5月, 2022的文章


  TIN MEMORADUM. FOR SCHOOL BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation order 1,117 pcs TIN MEMORADUM for America each School to have a Good reminder of  US ZERO GUN SHOT record that past 2  months 1-3 , 2022.  This Is Request by Our Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha . For her made a promise to do some excellent Work in Gun usage for Young Generation.  2018-2020, there were over 3,000,000 cases 16 years kid died in Gunshot case. They all passed away and cried in 1st Hell. Wish can stop that the same Gunshot case can stop from their ages of kids  Big Cloud Buddha promised them to do some protection to prevent the same case happened again. That' s the reason why. Our Foundation donated Texas Robb Elementary School each death sacrificed family US$1,000,000. And also wish to make those death pray for peaceful away. And wish from Family missing get some strength back. So that to make  TIN MEMORADUM.  wish can make those broken feeling to refix by this ac...

猴痘二度感染Monkey Pox Second Attacked

  PVP-1 , Povidone, 優碘 Monkey Pox used medicine already recovery, doesn't mean you can avoid 2- times be attacked. But with yours body had immunity, you won't headache any more. Just no headache only. Body still occured itch. But small area. The 3- times attacked only several days distance. 

The Forth Space

  First time Report: 2021,02 16.  Second Time Report: 2022,05,15 Reporter:  BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation  President & New Buddhism Founder Big Cloud Buddha Honor Nationality: Taiwan. Age: 63 Education: Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University, German Department graduated Expert in: 1. Buddhism Religion Ceremony Host 2. New Buddhism Theory teaching. 3. Earth Climate changes 4. Stop COVID-19 "Alfa' ' Delta' 'Omicron' to hurt human to find medicine to cure. 5. New Born Baby within 2021-2022 in Nursery Room case 6. Religion illness doctor. Contact : BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation Add: Taiwan , Taipei 101 39 Floor No.7, Sec. 5 Hsin Yi Road Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886-8101-8201~6 Big Cloud Buddha Honor bigcloudbuddha@aol.com Cell: 886-963-765-222 Tel: 886-2-2394-1232 Recommended by: Dr. Tedros who@chairman.com Dr. Schloss Goods who@doctorassociation.com John Scott soceteptinting@gmail.com Introduction This is "Cross Generatio...


  BCBF大雲佛基金會 大雲佛在救回由初層地獄至病床的 COVID-19病人 ,共計3,906 台灣532 日本572 中國632 美國1,243 德國237 意大利29 英國92 其他578 時間2022.05.28 23:45 運用敲擊喉輪法 5分鐘+推或刮痧手背法2分鐘 將呼吸困難的COVID-19病人,在 醫院無法提供氧氣機時,最好的選擇,可以協助病人打開肺部順利呼吸,甚至能夠得到睡眠。 BCBF  Big Cloud Buddha Foundation To use hit Throat wheel dharma 5 min  Plus scraping hands back 2 min can make those back from FIRST Hell to patient bed COVID-19 people smooth to get breath, Big Cloud Buddha saved total over 3,900 Earth COVID-19 people on 05.28.2022,at  23:45


  Monkey Pox is a Omicron related disease. It will cause patients headache, skin itch and hard to stand to scratch its skin to keep it became rise high spot. And if you tried to use PVP-1, or we called Povidone -lodine.After one days several times, 2-3 days later,the skin will became dry and scar, if you use wash, 3 days  later, all clean. Like no happen. It real works for about 40 patients after Big Cloud Buddha introduced to use PVP-1 to cure Monkey pox. Or any recent itch happened in your skin related with Omicron. You may try it. At least it won't hurt your body. Because PVP-1 it's a very safe skin usage medicine for doctor clinic  often to use. True Action: Thanks for United Nation ex President  Mr. Scott Genorado kind assistance to do the following shipment: BCBF  Big Cloud Buddha Foundation     Order 600  box from Vietnam One Corporation ship to Africa 5 Area : Tunisya, Congo, Egypt, West Africa, North Africa total 489 diseases people for t...

Email Changed

  Email Changed BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundtion  President  Big Cloud Buddha email: bigcloudbuddha @yahoo.com


  Recent COVID-19 Omicron often cause body skin had itch and after scratch, left a lot of itch scar. Big Cloud Buddha experience is to use PVP-1,or Providon, It works. But got to often take. When itch then take. 2 days later. It became dry and small scar. It would make your feeling better. Monkey Pot is a Omicron related disease. It will cause patients itch and hard to stand to scratch its skin to keep it became rise high spot. And if you tried to use PVP-1, or we called Povidone -lodine.After one days several times, 2-3 days later,the skin will became dry and scar It real works for about 40 patients after Big Cloud Buddha introduced to use PVP-1 to cure Monkey pox. Or any recent itch happened in your skin related with Omicron. You may try it. At least it won'Patient Recordt hurt your body. Because PVP-1 it's a very safe skin usage medicine for doctor clinic  often to use. Patient Record: **Japan, Osaka, Mrs. Suzuki,  56 years old: Headache, skin itch, and scar high 2-3 d...


  蔡總統,您好: 中國不斷發聲請問大雲佛的榮譽功勛獎金 在哪裡?以近期的幾次來計算,加總: 12/24/2021。  600,000,000,000 05/01/2022。          300,000,000 05/07/2022。          300,000,000 05/13/2022。          300,000,000 共計。                600,900,000,000 以上 大雲佛 合十 註: 此 4次中國火箭炮進攻台灣記錄,氣象局都可以 由地震圖表得到很實際的記錄。 以第一次(12/24/2021,攻擊目標台中)的記錄是蔡總統您提出的意見,得到很清晰的記錄, 所以中國用同樣的武器火箭炮,當可以很容易得 到同樣的結果。 另外 3次皆是攻擊目標台北。結果表現都是地震。 05/01/2022震度 3 級,包栝台北,基隆,宜蘭 花蓮。05/07/2022震度 2級,深度加一倍。 05/13/2022震度 1-2級,深度再加一倍。 為什麼 4 次攻擊,都毫無效果。 這在於大雲佛的故鄉在此。老天爺下太多 功夫在這裡。這是我回答。 President Tsai,  How are you? China kept yelling to concern where's  Your Achievement Bouns for Big Cloud Buddha ? According to recent their attack record. And we get that Government Achievement Bouns from our hearing: 12/24/2021.     600,000,000,000 05/01/2022.             300,000,000 05/07/2022.       ...


  5/11/2022 BCBF大雲佛基金會 籌備會 得到國稅局通過使用統一編號 37495124 通知。現在正在籌備徵求人事 秘書會計電腦工程師部門經理 共計10人 5/11/2022 BCBF大雲佛基金會 籌備會 得到國稅局通過使用 統一編號通知。 現在正在籌備徵求人事 秘書 會計 電腦工程師 部門經理 共計10人

免費禮物 FREE gift

   BCBF 大雲佛基金會 布施 維他命 B群 全 球 行動 這是 免費的禮物 由台灣 BCBF 大雲佛基金會和美國施特優製藥廠兩個 一起主辦這次全球的行動 我們會主張您服用這個維他命B群 是經由天醫或稱草本植物大師: 大雲佛的建議 她的建議是這個處方是維他命B群能幫助人體護持身體的健康及活力。 原因是地球正面臨空氣稀薄及各個種類的細菌侵襲,自愛爾發 Alfa ,德爾他 Delta,現在則是歐尼孔Omicron 。 服用建議: 成人: 一天2次,一次1顆 12歲以下一天2次,一次½顆 6個月以下一天2次,一次¼顆 Spread  Vitamin B Complex Whole Earth Activity Here's FREE gift from Taiwan BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation and PhArmacy Corporation: America Seture PhArmacy Corporation, both work together had this Whole Earth activity .  We would like to give you this Vitamin B Complex, simply from Herb Master. Or called Heaven Doctor: Big Cloud Buddha suggestion.  Her thinking is with Vitamin B Complex can make your body stronger and had a healthy life. For Earth faced reduce Air Condition. Due to we had too many virus around us. From Alfa, Delta. Now is Omicron.  Dose suggestion: Adult: 1 day 2 pills,1 time 1 pill Under 12 years: 1 day 2 times            ...

中國解放軍在台灣整整 2個月,做什麼?

    2020.2.-2020.4  一大票,大約7個,解放軍在高雄楠區梓及高雄港鹽埕區及苓雅區恍來恍去,身穿解放軍服,見到人很多也不躲,結果他們剛開始沒傷人,只不斷的問"有沒有小學生的國文課本"?,大約問了 3天,終於有一個小學生把課本交給他。"3年級"。這是第一次上岸接觸。 後來,同一地點,又再來,有帶武器。來 2個。接著就開槍,攻擊了,傷了3個,又再傷人,傷了7個,但都只輕傷。我軍在軍營沒有應戰,也沒有攻擊準備。只能說是當做沒做。當守沒守。我軍只有看他們幌來幌去,沒動作。也沒有練習都沒有。讓大雲佛相當奇怪,為什麼沒防守。只是後來變了,他們真的開槍,而且真的傷了 7-8個人都住院。 來來回回共計4次之多,共計傷害 41個人,9個住院,其他都輕傷,包紮就可以。用槍托傷人。軍人有9個都住院。其他都是平民。 都是要書本。來來回回共計要了71本數量。有國語,數學,地理,歷史。都是3年級。很多學生到學校告訴老師"有軍人跟我要書本"老師嚇壞了。也沒報告校長和教育部。什事也沒有。 就這樣。