2022.11.03 03:44-04:04 a.m.China attacked Taiwan used 3 Nuclear bomb, but failed used in Taiwan local land and messy used back to their China Coast City over 6 City all destroyed by their own Nuclear bomb. Because of 大雲佛基金會籌備會Big Cloud Buddha used Big dharma Cloth+ buddhadharma team to complete all protection. We succeeded . 給台灣國防部的記錄: 原本中國恐攻的目標是,台灣嘉義雲林台南高雄屏東 5 個地方。會變成中國的浙江福建廣東,是因為 大雲佛的天兵天將在遭受攻擊時 ,將雙方分隔開來,一邊一個'法布',造成中國的攻擊中斷無法透出'法布'外由東西向,改成南北向。是由北方發射出向南方 ,方向也許是對的,但定位搬家了變成中國沿岸6個城市受重擊。 For Taiwan Defend Department as Record: Original 3 Nuclear Bomb aims was Chia Yi, Yun Lin, TaiNan, KaoShiung, PinTung this 5 City Taiwan place. Why changed to China Ze Chiang, Fu Gieng, Kwan Tong was because Big Cloud Buddha trained Heavenly Soldiers & General be attacked by China, according to their experie s eperate two Country thoroughly , one Country side one dharma Cloth method+ incredible Buddha dharma to break China attack Taiwan cannot through out dharma...