
目前顯示的是 2月, 2024的文章

Hell Bodhisattva From Hell Teaching Remind by Big Cloud Buddha

  4,000,000 Witch. Get involved with 8-9 New Energy Resource Country people hang up to be dead. Body issue, it's a pity they all 22-24 yrs old, young generation. Musk Witch figure 4,000,000 exaggerated their number, so that coming a lot of ghost . Some area dead ghost joined. Whenever they found chance up, then they lose team to ask weak & tired alives to hang, for them to replace. Some, to hang with rope. And later pull their leg to make those hang up people neck broken and fell on the floor and found to be dead. Hell Bodhisattva & Hell Officer persuade ' Had better abandon to hang up to dead.Because lt's hard to refix your soul to have good look as your original.' 'Don't do'. 'Understand?' We suggest: Don't use Witch to prediction your future. Usually  Won't have any Good Result. Why? Join Witch Method. Big Cloud Buddha didn't want to extinguish  Witch line. Just wish to protect  Human more. So please Witch  if you were. Then. B...


大雲佛基金會捐献國家裝備 至今未曾表揚: 2021-2023 空軍:美國F-16A-6架 海軍:以色列”23411型號71噸3艘 陸軍:瑞典火箭炮型號456789-l架 備註 空軍:美國F-16A-6架(使用中) 海軍:以色列”23411型號71噸3艘(使用中) 陸軍:瑞典火箭炮型號456789(尚未使用)


  大雲佛 本名:廖嘉那 國籍:台灣台北東門 教育程度:台灣輔仁大學德文系畢業 婚姻狀況:已婚 年齢:66 專業:佛教教育。七禪功傳人。月亮打坐法傳人 医療顧問。商業顧問。芸術顧問。 目前職位:大雲佛基金會董事長。新佛教教主。 七禪功是達摩祖師於2021年所傳給大雲佛在數年練習後終於联合國SUNDAY TEACHING CLASS公開 在最好時有l040人兩輪人次一起練習  功法如下: 以七步為ㄧ組 原地向前踏出七步 左腳先 左,右,左,右,左,右,左 第七步退回至第六步 転身 再改為 右,左,右,左,右,左,右 功法再重覆ㄧ次 如此反復練習 即成 大雲佛傳 ˋ


2024/02/21 21:38-21:40 p.m. Why France within 3-4 days sent 200,000 people to 6 Country.? Those 6 Country all in Asia.  i.e. Japan . South Korea. Vietnam. India. Singapore. Taiwan. And their luggage all heavy arms as below:  無人機70架  No man Plane 70 pc 電子肩炮:100架 Shoulder Gun 100 pc 機關槍:90 Machine Gun 90 pc 子彈:50000發 Bulletin 50000pc What are they doing?  What's the main purpose they plan to do? As we knew they seem all had similar favor. What's wrong?  And their heavy arms meant anything?  What's their specific plan in moving to Asia with so heavy Weapons with them within 3-4 days. And also specific figure people. What do they plan?  In Taiwan it happened. Used gunshot to resolve, actually 1st gun from France Ambassador hand. He argue why had to tolerant so long to hear your language.  Kaohsiung City Mayer Chen Chi Mai be hurt & 5 guard. All well saved.  Over 97,343 people dead. We don’t want them back by Medicine Plane. You attack Taipei....


  All because of this issue so seriously. Including. 3 messy issue thing happened: Thank God we stop in time. With correct chart from Court. Besides. We caught defend Law Betray Foundation Accountant work for Foundation we register in Hsin Yi District Chow Shin Shin  He returned his illegal application to relocation address & also 2New Associate cases. Because he scare to death to face Jail. Besides, cancel 78 cases to messy Open Foundation Account in 5 Hsien& City. Through 78. His acquantence accountant. If they dont cancel right away. They all in jails in the same case. That's all about on 2024/02/22 都是因為這個問題如此嚴重。 包括。發生了3件混亂的問題: 感謝,我們及時停下來。 我們 有正確的 政府法院 印鑑 。我們抓住了 我們註冊於信義區的基金會會計工作 周星心 背信事宜 將申請退回搬遷地址,同時也處理了 2 起新 董事 的相關案件。因為他害怕面對監獄。另外,取消5縣市混亂的開立基金會帳戶78個案件。 因為 他的熟人會計師。 如果他們不立即取消。他們都因同一案件被關進監獄。 以上就是2024年2月22日的全部內容

Cheat Group cases less happened on the Earth

  Where's Cheat Group to rent house? Not any more. Less Landlord want to rent for them. And less phone call will return call. No cheat cases any more. ------------ 2024/02/22.22:20p.m. How comes all of sudden Cheat Group disappear?  What? Why their Landlord don't want to rent their house any more?  A lot of ganger lost place to live. And 75 Country donate appreciation donation for their ganger real cannot rent house any more. All out in the street. No place to hide. Then No ganger call you to cheat your money. Nevertheless, No Cheat cases any more.  


  大雲佛基金會宣布,會計師背信的盜刻 我們的印鑑。擅自將客戶的地址給遷移。 基金會控制地很好。在我們的案件。非法偽造文件也控制地很好。。更不用說被亂用董事長以前的身分證了。此案導致基金會在台灣銀行集團開設帳戶的亂七八糟帳戶78例。我們的用戶關閉了帳戶。取消2新董事。 BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION announced that the accountant's betray of trust in stolen Our Foundation Chart. Relocating the customer's address without authorization. The Foundation is in good control of our case. and also illegal documents. Not to mention the President's previous ID card being misused. The case resulted in 78 Accounts being opened by the Foundation in a Taiwan banking group. Our user has cancelled their account. And also cancel 2 new Associate.

Original Chung Tai Mountain Newest Status

      Date Original Name Changed Name 2023.12.29 (01) Chung Tai Zen Temple 中台禪寺   Tsau Tien Temple 朝天寺 2023.12.29  (70) 美國太古精舍,加州 US New Buddhism Zen Center E Shin Center 美國新佛教禪修中心 一心中心 2023.12.29  (71) 美國佛門寺,加州 美國三學寺 US San Shuei Temple 2023.12.29 (72) 美國中洲禪寺,加州 US Wan Fa Temple, Ca 美國 萬法寺,加州 2023.12.29 (73) 美國佛心寺,奧克拉荷馬州 US Zi Shin Gue Temple, Oklahoma 美國 自性覺寺,奧克拉荷馬州 2023.12.29 (74) 美國普德精舍,德州 US New Buddhism Zen Center Satisfactory Center, TX 美國 新佛教禪修中心滿意中心 德州 2023.12.29 (75) 美國寶瑞禪寺,德州 US Guan Zau Temple, TX 美國 觀照寺,德州 2023.12.29 (76) 美國佛寶寺,華盛頓州 US Chung Zi Chen Chen Temple, WA 美國 眾 志成城寺,華盛頓州 2023.12.29 (77) 美國法寶禪寺,喬治亞州 US Bodhi Temple, Georgia 美國 菩提寺,華盛頓州 2023.12.29 (78) 美國普法禪寺, 科羅拉多州 US  Fa Hwa Temple , Colorado 美國 法華寺,科羅拉多州 2023.12.29 (79) 澳洲寶林禪寺 Australia  Be Zi Temple 澳洲悲智寺 2023.12.29 (80) 日本普東寺 Japan  Fa Shin Temple 日本法心寺 2023.12.29 (81) 菲律賓海天寺 Philliphine Wu Wo Temple 菲律賓無我寺 2023.12.29 (82) 香港普廣精舍 Hong Kong New Buddhism Zen Center Sati...


   Land God ,  May we protect our Land well in order that we can prove our work consist. For we found our Recent announcement  ' Black Hole Not exist' had exception. What's wrong? We found Musk in South Korea had one deep dig hole. We take it as a ghost hole. We let it come out as usual. And he did used dharma request to others area. That's the reason. And. We cooperate with hell to check how to improve? Hell Officer said to neglect it then through every thing. So that improved. Hell Officer thank you take Buddha request in action. 'Neglect it. Land God'. We work together to proved this protect alive people job done well. And we do improve immediately. As we check 9 Country in New Energy Resources:  US. China. German. Japan. South Korea. Italy. Sweden. Swiss.Georgia.