Hell Bodhisattva From Hell Teaching Remind by Big Cloud Buddha
4,000,000 Witch. Get involved with 8-9 New Energy Resource Country people hang up to be dead. Body issue, it's a pity they all 22-24 yrs old, young generation. Musk Witch figure 4,000,000 exaggerated their number, so that coming a lot of ghost . Some area dead ghost joined. Whenever they found chance up, then they lose team to ask weak & tired alives to hang, for them to replace. Some, to hang with rope. And later pull their leg to make those hang up people neck broken and fell on the floor and found to be dead. Hell Bodhisattva & Hell Officer persuade ' Had better abandon to hang up to dead.Because lt's hard to refix your soul to have good look as your original.' 'Don't do'. 'Understand?' We suggest: Don't use Witch to prediction your future. Usually Won't have any Good Result. Why? Join Witch Method. Big Cloud Buddha didn't want to extinguish Witch line. Just wish to protect Human more. So please Witch if you were. Then. B...