新佛教的工作New Buddhism Work



New Buddhism First Class

Teaching by: Big Cloud Buddha


Big Cloud Buddha Foundation 

President Big Cloud Buddha

Nationality: Taiwan.

Age: 63

Education: Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University, German Department graduated

Expert in:

1. New Buddhism Religion Ceremony Host

2. New Buddhism Theory teaching.

3. Earth Climate changes

4. Stop COVID-19 "Alfa' ' Delta' 'Omicron' to hurt

human to find medicine to cure.

5. New Born Baby within 2021-2022 in Nursery

Room case

6. Religion illness doctor.

Contact :

Big Cloud Buddha Honor


Cell: 886-963-765-222

Tel: 886-2-2394-1232

新佛教和 New Buddhism1的 twitter都是同一個作者大雲佛當時只為了New Buddhism1
被 President Trump拿去印刷,Trump為了吸引讀者,所以請一位 Dr. John Stone 寫了幾篇加在書裡面充數,假冒作者,事實與教授無關。全書共計10本都是大雲佛所寫。書名即稱New Buddhism

新佛教 and New Buddhism1 all the same writer. What you read on printing"New Buddhism" the true writer is Big Cloud Buddha.Not Dr. John Stone. Now add by scient Protector and changed by them "Big Cloud Buddha" ,just because it's right time to introduce Big Cloud Buddha

What 新佛教 in Taiwan meaning:
Except : To teach people, speak Good Word, do Good thing, have Good heart, to be a Good man in the Community. To recite NAMOAMITOFO. To teach man respect Big Cloud Buddha , for she's the wonderful Buddha In the World. To lead alive & dead to do good.

What's the different direction for Big Cloud Buddha in teaching Alive & Dead:
To alive: to protect them have good body health & long life.
To dead: to get birth.or To recite NAMOAMITOFO to see how to reach New West World. Less add Poor Karma,Less other area creature

To tell the difference of Alive & Dead:

Alive: breath Oxygen.Blood organ all function well. Desire: normal
Dead: breath Carbon Oxygen 2.
Only skin can changed look good or poor. Other body organ all stop function. Desire: to suicide man.
Please notice after 2019-2021 the Earth through three Big Disaster.
2019: Heaven Fire: Hsu Three
2020: Heaven Broken by 
2021: 33 Heaven be shot.
and the Earth match these 3 Big Scene to have COVID-19. Earth people faced Sutra & Bible written Big changes.
After 3 Disaster, Earth people faced the most big difference was: Human cannot live like year 2000 before that kind of style. No eyes & ears & extra scients be with body life.And life to add dead people next to you. And alive people policy decided by dead Country Leader is common.

How many Country Leader is not alive status: Russia, Ukraine, British, France, States, China,Taiwan, Japan, India, Brazil, Spain,Sweden, and South Korea, Thailand, Singapore.

They all count on Big Cloud Buddha be messy used buddhadharma, and also hell door cannot close condition. To make the Earth alive people to face to live with dead people together. Just gone, and come back, and found another man replace and took then gone is often happen.

All man faced how many times your relatives gone and back next to you. Over 3 times. What Big Cloud Buddha work is seperate alive and dead.And let the dead willing to go back to hell and willing to face to get birth.Just like last year COVID-19 to be rabbit and now be human again

Big Cloud Buddha first big work is to protect alive live well and long life. Second is to save dead ones to come to New West World or to get birth earlier. Third is to clean the Earth Land to have new corp so that man had enough food. How to make human to live healthy and good.




WHO Human Contribution of Whole Earth Prize & WHA Emergency Center Prize Report