Research Report Title: Fuel in World Contain 

& For Future 

Economic Direction Consideration






Big Cloud Buddha Honor

Age: 65

Country: Taiwan


Taiwan Fu Jen University German Department graduated.


1.New Buddhism Theory Teaching

2. Ceremony host

3.WHO New Born Baby Execution Honor Doctor Degree 


4.2022 America

   UCLA America Harbor Container Resolution Execution.     

   Report writter

4. 2023.02.

    British Economic Boss & Clerk Strike resolution 

    Consultant Advisor

5. 2022.07 

    Japan Fukushima Favorite Food changed Nuclear Food 

    Business Consultant advisor

6. 2023.01

    German Nuclear Report To save their gain Cheaper ..          

    electricitity To resolve their Country Lower income 

    Economic project Consultant Advisor

Report Title




Including below 

Several kinds:

  1. Li contain

  2. Hydrogen ( Green H)

Related Report:

Weather Report to decide to choose Hydrogen green H as fuel or not 


Behind the story:

Here's my Foundation concentration concern about recently ' Car Parking in High Way and Car Driver all walk down '  this subject to have a related Research Report. 

And our Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha Honor through her observation and suspicious to highly concern how long the Electricity can hanging in usage to find a 'Li ' this minor metal and also each Country contain can last how long in production electricity battery this transportation car need material. How less or how big can last human in big quantity usage. That's why to have this Fuel Research Report. 

For the whole Earth Country all concentrate in invest their dollars in manufacture to use Electricity Transportation Car including Public Bus. Moreover even create Airplane to use electricity as fuel. However, everyday facing to complaint big parking lot in high way. Had to walk down the car to find new electricity draw-in station. Heaven heard and saw daily life these scene happen often. We all concern how's to work human fuel in our next 50 years. Not only 2-5 years. So please after read this Fuel Research Analysis Report to think it over & had a good meeting to discuss with each Country Leader what Earth Economic Direction going to be.

Our BCBF  BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION receive our Research Analysis from Florida University 2nd years student Ms STUHL her 

According to 3,295 professors from 352 University, we paid over US$500,000 research report money to gain this precious Research Analysis Chart Report: 

chart 1: .



in Europe : 30

In South Africa: 20

In South America: 300

In Asia: 5000

Each battery need Li 0.06 usage to production used in work as a full used in car battery product.

So then total contain used in battery we found only can hanging over 8,500 9car 

And we used old Li in our life are every often. This is new Li contain figure. 

This is our Correct Analysis. Chart show in Chart No.1

And the Follow up Chart 2 : 

To report your Research Report Concentrate in Rain Report. Why had to have this Research Report. For we found our New Fuel Creation Green Fuel: Hydrogen develop within 2014 until now. The usage are higher and higher. Join in developer Country from 1 become 10 until now. .This fuel is from to absorb Hydrogen from Air to develop as battery used in car transportation.

It develop to make the Earth face below scare result:

  1. Rain less

  2. Underground water less even No under water any more

  3. Lake water shranken 

  4. River shorter and less water

  5. Sky cloud less 

  6. Rain in local area figure became birereduc

and Earth human faces

  1. Tree plant no water to use

  2. Farmer vegetable less water to use. Less food in production. Bee reduce & dead

  3. Dam cannot to have electricity to produce

     10.Local house or home no 

          water to use

Fuel used Hydrogen is not only absorb from Air. But also used from land. Once used from land human not only without water to use. Also faces no food to eat. It's a big crisis to think it over.

Fuel used in Hydrogen not only not steady in usage. Also faces high challenge underground water seperate our usage in our daily life. Once we need it into other 'water' request, then we will promise to less used in fuel. It's not a long term plan for fuel usage. We cannot count on one fuel used in half way changed ,and our stopped because of we cannot keep on to use.

Through Chart 1 & 2 suggestion:

What's our Research Report suggest:

1.To use half - electricity half- oil transportation car. Better than pure used electricity. It's shranken usage from oil car. For every Country all let go car used in oil production manufactures line of car . For we hate oil price controlled by Middle East Country so long. 

Price always raised up , never down. So that when Earth find to have another fuel option, all feel relax in car fuel usage. But we did not expect we be caught so fast to turn our head back to find our transportation car need oil that feeling like hijacking life back. We would rather go back to find our air pollution more and more heavy than we already improve. No. We had better try to develop more higher or advanced usage of oil usage car. So that it can promise our World change to chase green energy resource nothing wrong.We simply had to change our Transportation Car production line changed a little bit back to half oil half electicity usage car. That's our this Research Report suggestion and conclusion. We wish can have Each Country Leader take it into consideration what's your Country Future Economic Direction. For we cannot hold our Transportation Car in high way parking lot , all stop , and to find another exit. - it meant to find another fuel to start up our car again.


We had several point of view to suggest as below:

1.don't use too much fuel in machine made car. Because we don'àt know how to stop it in the future. Usually we don't suggest to use over 5 Gallon


Chart 3

We had several kinds of researchable to replace these 2 option.

We had 

Guel 金古。 7000

Stel 錫。  90000

Shen 金申。11000

Yeu 金由。 7000

Liu 金留。 7000

Silver 銀。 70,000,000

Gold 金。  900,000,000,000

That's all of our Report content.




WHO Human Contribution of Whole Earth Prize & WHA Emergency Center Prize Report