
目前顯示的是 7月, 2023的文章

美國葉倫與中國訪問的消息Mrs. Yellen visiting China News

  US Gov.Financial Officer Mrs. Yellen was on China had a visiting.  And 2023/07/13 she plan是ned back to  America. from early morning until afternoon 2:00 p.m. this was the 1st times. 2nd times was the 2nd day 2 times took off all in the air explored in pieces. Cannot found anything. and within Big Cloud Buddha used buddhadharma to saving her and air craft crews total 10 persons 2 times one times was just flew 2 min.later still in the China territory thing seemed very sensitive. So that China Si let Big Cloud Buddha get involved to save Mrs. Yellen and Aircraft.  To this, Mrs Yellen was every grateful for China kind. And also Big Cloud Buddha. And please followed US Gov. Officer visiting Aircraft UA-701 check your left plane wheel whether it was leaking oil or not. For 2 times explored in pieces all the same reason. One times just take off 2 min. still in Peking upper sky The other was take off 50 min already out from territory of China,aircraft pieces fell into Paci...

US Mrs Yellen Offering

New York City New York Avenue Standard Diamond 37 Carat Yellow Diamond is US Mrs Yellen Offering Big Cloud Buddha,for her saving Mrs Yellen in China 2times in Aircraft explored in the air,1 times accident.Her appreciation showed unfinished yet,I scared she would cut in the middle.


背景: 地球缺氧的情況就像平日聽到大金空調先生 講述大雲佛的教學一樣"上有臭氧層破洞,下面海洋無魚"這是實情。在大雲佛推動地球每戶一支電扇24小時不動,讓大的地球在人類以電扇轉動之下,生生不息。 最後在他的不停止的付出之下,終於作出成績,NASA報告給大雲佛,地球的吹動的電扇,各大洲都有,就只剩非洲沒有。 所以才會有這個送電扇到非洲的活動,等於期待地球轉動時,氧氣可以不斷電的永遠隨著地球自轉而生生不息。那麼缺氧問題就可迎刃而解。 大雲佛基金會於2023/02/26-2023/02/28 送電扇到非洲, 共計數量7,300台 其中包括兩個協辦單位一起出力: 1.尚朋堂機械製造公司 2.聯邦快遞 共計非洲10國 利比亞** 東非 西非 中非** 南非 北非 土旦尚尼亞 突尼西亞 東突尼西亞** 除**號為100台外,其他國家為1000台,共計數量7,300 經費共計 電扇7,300台,共計3,066,000 運費10國共計3,366,000 總計3,672,600 實際情形 2023/04/26 一日,為了電扇可以繼續吹動,中國拒給利比亞,中非,東突尼西亞3個國家用電,當時電扇一停止轉動,整個地球就像被勒住呼吸一樣,肚子部分很不舒服,結果為了不再靠著中國架持所有人的呼吸,最後台灣想出靠著汽車發動電力,提供電源給電扇電力,就可以轉動電扇,就為了這個目的,大雲佛基金請買了BENZ二手車1輛400,000共計10輛到非洲。不料就這樣,總算解決了電扇轉動的問題。 經費加入: 二手BENZ@ 400,000×10=4,000,000 運費:中國支付 氧氣報告: 2023/01/04。 70 2023/06/30。  360 總算成績非凡,讓大家可以自然呼吸。 謝謝大金空調先生的加入今天 2023/07/19的話題,讓大眾可以回頭再 找到原來我們經過苦難的日子


  2023.07.11 大雲佛基金會董事長& 新佛教教主大雲佛禪修教導: BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION PRESIDENT & New Buddhism Founder BIG CLOUD BUDDHA teaching: 禪修的練習重點: Zen meditation practice in : 事情變正變好 Thing turn correct turn well 身體愈修愈好 Body through practice more healthier 觀念愈修愈接近天理 Mind conception more close to heavenly theory 假設經由練習達不到這些境界 那麼你可能跟錯人了 If through pracice,you cannot do 你可能跟錯人,回過頭,重新開始 You probably follow the wrong person, turn your head, restart it again. 這是大雲佛經由練習得來的珍貴經驗.非常寶貴 This is Big Cloud Buddha through practice got the experience . This is very precious.




  *會計師,法安: 我是大雲佛。是接受中台禪寺惟覺的委託接受所有與其相關一切。並經由其82中心的掌管的師姐及師兄兩位受惟覺指示,願意交與大雲佛接管。'所以請接受至今而後一切與中台相關事宜,一切拜託與大雲佛聯繫。'這是某師姐的說法,也請何會計師願意接納,有任何指教,請隨時來電交換意見溝通。 包括外匯等。無事不可溝通,我願意順情勢繼續以舊制度為主,所以'蕭規曹隨'一切照舊,不變動,這樣何會計師我們也比較好做事。還有我的大雲佛基金會的會計師是周星心,請多指教。 以上 大雲佛 2023.06,29 中台禪寺: 有中心 全台72座中心 信眾 723,654(*76,543) 北部中心: 10間: 230徒弟 中部中心:  06間: 79徒弟 南部中心:  08間: 14徒弟(*323徒弟) 星號指在世者 實際是北部30間 中部29間 南部11間 台灣共計。 70間 棘手的問題: 1.群眾往生/複雜關係/前後有多少次生死 2.期待大雲佛能夠協助的範圍 3.中心問題?本寺問題那一個比較棘手 4.往生徒弟簡單分類(本寺):請 車禍意外: 寺內意外: 自然往生: 外國句引: --------------- 2023.06,29 龍嚴禮儀公司  1個收5,000 往生者數字: 83 購買裝屍袋@1000=83,000 往生: 3個月-7個 ( 3-車禍-死亡證明)                  (4-意外死亡) 2個月-14個(6-車禍-死亡證明)                    (4-意外死亡)                    (4- 口...

albanese 202306

  Background: Big Cloud Buddha relative immigrant into Australia over 30 years. They all became their local people.  But my brother GiAn and this wife Yun Tsun not get along with each other. So that although their last career is GI An Garden is a very good place to visit in Sydney. However, because of quarrel they both at last all passed  away. Big Cloud Buddha heard this news, and decided to changed their future had a good one. That's why no matter how they argued or stopped me, I used my strength into their black money total US$5000 million all taken out from their putting place. And later do as what Big Cloud Buddha taught people so long , how to plan to do a charity tasks: BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION GI AN &YUN TSUN Gabage Car 100 car/6 million + 3 million ( each car included 3 million for Prime Minister 900 million Fireman Car with ladder to 10 floor  100 Car/ 6 million +3 million ( each car included 3 million for Prime Minister 900 million  Ambulance C...

大雲佛給老人家的勸告Big Cloud Buddha for Oldie 4 Word Reminder

  大雲佛給 老人4句勸告: Big Cloud Buddha for Oldie 4 word reminder:  坐得牢 Sit steady 站得穩 Stand firm 躺得平 LIe flat 睡得深Sleep deep 為什麼要說這4句勸告 因為老人家最怕跌倒 一旦跌倒根據統計餘命少於5年 Why had to speak this Oldie 4 Word reminder For Oldie scare to fall Once Oldie fall Then left less than 5 years to live , according to Statistic Figure.