albanese 202306



Big Cloud Buddha relative immigrant into Australia over 30 years. They all became their local people.  But my brother GiAn and this wife Yun Tsun not get along with each other. So that although their last career is GI An Garden is a very good place to visit in Sydney. However, because of quarrel they both at last all passed away.

Big Cloud Buddha heard this news, and decided to changed their future had a good one. That's why no matter how they argued or stopped me, I used my strength into their black money total US$5000 million all taken out from their putting place. And later do as what Big Cloud Buddha taught people so long , how to plan to do a charity tasks:



Gabage Car 100 car/6 million + 3 million

( each car included 3 million for Prime Minister

900 million

Fireman Car with ladder to 10 floor 

100 Car/ 6 million +3 million

( each car included 3 million for Prime Minister

900 million 

Ambulance Car 100 Car/13 million

 each car included 3 million for Prime Minister

1300 million 

5000 million. Left 1900 million for Hospital cannot pay expense out from hospital patients. Pay for their expense.

Each year donate 100 million for

Prime Minister last for 5 years

Each month donate Food Bank AU$5000×12=60,000( under Prime Minister name each year) 

And original we plan to use our buy 3 kinds of cars left behind AUD$1900 million for payment those hospital cannot afford to pay expense patients. And later through 2 cases. Those. Cases family are became car accident sacrificed person. That's shock us for those result. Because this money were from Gil An & Yun Tsun black money usage. It meant original was usged in doing some hurt other people body part. The second usage result shocked us. That moved us to changed usage immediately.

The left behind AUD$ 1900 million. Wish to use in whole Country using to press road material part ' Li Chin' budget. No matter how many years. And that's it.

We're very be careful to using this dollars. We wish can make every step all work in perfect. No hurt any people any more.

No matter It's from human original natural conception.Or second times be moved to use in assist poor family away from those poor cases. We all had to watch its result. Because we scare its poor seed insides of this dollars will cause a New Poor Result.

Stand on user point of vew, he already help pity family away from no money condition, but who will notice because of its original poor user seed already deepen to influence

the 2nd times user result.

It already proved by In Australia hospital 1

Cases + in Taiwan Hsin Tien Guan hospital

2 cases. That poor result all caused to use

this donation money people faced car accident very fast besides dead cases.

That hurt user family heart very much, they

just wish through donation to out from hospital, how comes a new accident in front of their family. So pity. So that we just changed those money into clean money fast, the result even shocked us. No

happened : it meant to use clean money later, that strange accidents disappeared.

Two Counyry, one case stopped.

Then, it would make our arrangement extend to a good quality result. That's why, we wish we will excute them whole plan correctly &  fulfill it to make Citizen had a good life.

And the most heartbroken to Australia part was they miss their Mr. Anthony Albanese. He caught this case 2 days later, passed away. And Funeral was on 2023/07/06 completed. We wish New PM Mr. John will keep doing well this Charity Tasks.




WHO Human Contribution of Whole Earth Prize & WHA Emergency Center Prize Report