Ancestry story
NASA report in 2018 to prove we increase a lot of new stars in the heaven. Hand later missing. That's it. Heaven increase over 2兆3456 million New stars -20 degree. And later 3-4 days all of sudden all fell to the ground. It proved Big Cloud Buddha did keep her swear well. To save Earth Citizens Ancestry came to New West World proval. For they stay New West World over 2-3 years and later fall on the Earth in the same time. And the 1st word all the same: Big Cloud Buddha didnot to bring us Is then. Oxygen scient to us. I cannot hanging in any more. And now she did proved to Save Sun from deep Galaxy to breathless. Still had to breathe the same scient Oxygen it prove we had the same meditation.So, Earth is no changed. She did done well. NASA TRUST HER. That's it.